Featured Hotel Listing

Featured Listings will increase COMMISSION-FREE bookings while also increasing sales and profitability.

Featured Listings guarantee your hotel property will be included as one of the top 5 featured properties as long as they have posted rates and availability. In addition to a premium position on Visit Galveston, your listing will include a call-to-action banner across the top of your image. Monthly Fee: $250.

Commission Free Bookings

Visit Galveston is pleased to let you know that all island hotels will receive a complimentary listing on our website, VisitGalveston.com. In addition to the free listing, we're also providing you with commission-free bookings that occur through VisitGalveston.com.

Visit Galveston Site Engagement
Island Time
Site Engagement & Analytics

During the past six months, the Visit Galveston hotels section experienced more than 5,300 sessions that produced nearly 17,000 pageviews and more than 1,000 direct referrals to partner websites. In addition, pages per session topped 3 pages, time spent on site was 4.32 minutes per session, and we experienced an extremely low bounce rate of 20%.